“Every woman who writes is a survivor.”

-Tillie Olsen, Silences

Most of my writings are personal and kept for myself alone for now, for me to reflect upon and feed further thinking and growth. I may be working on some projects for future publication…

…but occasionally I might post some random stuff here.

In the meantime, there are some old, embarrassing published articles of mine that you might find online easily if you searched… so you might as well find them here:

One Slice at a Time, Article about Mission Pie for Terrain Magazine, Spring Issue, 2007: https://ecologycenter.org/terrainmagazine/spring-2007/one-slice- at-a-time/

Start Talking Trash, Article aimed for teen audiences for ACE (Action for the Climate Emergency), 2011: https://acespace.org/2011/12/16/start-talking-trash/